Class A Firefighting Foam Concentrate (fire retardant) is compatible with our Home Wildfire Protection Pump and Hose Systems and is a great affordable option to protect your home from burning down in a wildfire. It'll give you anywhere from 24 to 48 hours of protection.
Meets USDA Forest Service Requirement per Specification 5100-307. Specifically designed to be sprayed with any of our Fire Pump Systems with the class a foam eductor nozzle. Environmentally responsible formulation. Premix is stable for more than 30 days (using potable water), which is significantly longer than traditional Class A foam solutions.
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It has been widely proven that Class A Foam will give you structural protection from a wildfire for 24 to 48 hours. Spraying Class A Foam with any of our wildfire pump and hose systems is a popular option that will give you a similar type of protection as Barricade Fire Gel at a more affordable price point. Note: The application of Class A Foam to structures tends to not hold up to high winds as much as Barricade Fire Gel. We prefer and recommend Barricade Fire Gel for this reason.